Wholehearted Commitment
I received a complete healing! ​I experienced a complete transformation in my life through holistic practices, went from illness to vibrant health and joyful days.​I was very ill and suffered from a compromised immune system due to Filariasis. For a duration of five years, I went from one doctor to another trying to get an accurate diagnosis, but no one was able to help. During those five years, the swelling on my leg increased, and as if that wasn’t enough, had various additional physical symptoms: fever every night, fatigue, achy joints, burning feeling at the bottom of my feet, and a horrible digestion. In other words, my immune system was shutting down due to the parasite spreading further. I decided to reach out for other alternatives and started practicing Kundalini yoga as a way to recover my health and build my immune system. Finally, in 2012, one doctor was able to confirm a diagnosis of Lymphatic Filariasis. Unfortunately, that was as far as he went. So I decided to go see a Naturopath, a holistic health practitioner. I made the commitment to do everything he had suggested and followed it to a “T”. It was through natural remedies like good nutrition, supplements and herbs, exercise, and meditation that I recovered my health. The holistic lifestyle healed my body as a whole: body, mind and spirit. I continued on my healing journey practicing Ashtanga yoga and became an Ashtanga instructor in 2013. I also completed 200 hrs of Hatha/Vinyasa Teacher Training in 2014 and Restorative Yoga certification in March 2017. In 2018 I did another 200 hrs refresher course on Vinyasa training.The experience with these practices led me to study holistic nutrition in 2019, and Master Reiki certification in 2023. I have identified that my purpose in life is to help others heal the same way I did and to encourage intentional living in others.​I changed my diet, changed my lifestyle, changed my daily routines, and adopted new habits that SERVED ME.The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify your core mind, body and spirit challenges, so that you can overcome them with confidence. Only then, will you be able to fully embrace who you are and start living a happier and healthier life.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
“The greatest wealth is health”